How it affects family and friends – Sirkka


Sirkka's brother passed the news along to her other siblings.


When it came time to tell the rest of my family, I actually just went to my brother. He lives just down the road and I didn’t really make a joke of it; it was just kind of making myself to be the…Well because, my sister-in-law had had a lump somewhere on her chest, my niece had had a lump somewhere else and so I just kind of said “Well you know so and so had a lump on her breast, it ended up being nothing so and so had a lump someplace else it ended up nothing and then there’s me.” And so I said “Well I got a lump and it’s cancer so…” and then from there, he just let the rest of the family know, because I have a large family. I just didn’t want to be phoning everybody and saying this. Word of mouth, one told the other, told the other but my husband and children were wonderful. My family the rest of my family my brothers and sisters they were right there whenever I needed them and gave a lot of support.

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